Grow Healthy With These Tips On Growing An Organic Garden

Grow Healthy With These Tips On Growing An Organic Garden


Many people enjoy getting their hands dirty in the garden. There’s nothing quite like growing your own flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and it’s easy to do with the right information, like that found in this article. Even if you don’t have a large yard, even small spaces like balconies can provide enough space for a surprising amount of plants.

Know what grows in your region. When you see the wide variety of seed packets offered online, it is easy to get sucked into the idea of growing everything and anything! In reality, though, only some of them may flourish in your regional environment. Study up on your region and what crops can survive.

Save money by drying the seeds from your annuals to plant next year. Petunias, zinnias and impatiens are just a few of the flowers from which it is easy to extract and save seeds. You will have to extract the seed pod from some flowers, and wait for it to split open. With others, such as marigolds, you will have to open the flower and extract the seeds yourself. After extracting the seeds, let them dry for at least a week. Place them in a jar with a rubber seal, and add silica gel pouches to keep them from absorbing moisture. Store them in a cool, dry location until you’re ready to plant them next year.

Look at your planting area before you purchase any rose bushes. Some varieties of roses can be finicky in the type of soil or planting environment that they need. On the other hand, there are other varieties that are hearty enough to tolerate a variety of conditions. So, when you know what type of growing environment your roses will live in, you can choose the most suitable variety.

During the hot season, water your lawn a couple of hours before the sun rises. If you water during the day, much of the water will evaporate before it gets a chance to be absorbed into the ground. When you water before the sunrise, the water will have a chance to go deep into the soil, allowing the roots to absorb the water.

Think about asking friends or family for cuttings from their existing plants. Many plants will grow from cuttings so that you do not have to purchase a whole plant yourself. It takes only minutes to learn online which part of the plant you should cut off to replant, and using cuttings can save you hundreds of dollars in landscaping and gardening costs.

Did you know that a tablespoon of powdered milk sprinkled around your rose bushes early in the season can help to prevent fungus growth on your beautiful flowers later in the spring? If you prefer to use a spray, you might try diluting some skim milk and spraying the plant leaves. The lower fat content in skim milk reduces the chance that it will turn rancid.

You don’t need a green thumb or lots of land to be a gardener. Whether you want the satisfaction of growing your own delicious vegetables in the garden, or having the prettiest roses on the block, these great hints can help you to succeed.